Mark Twain said "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."
I've been told I write about the past, but...
What would be "The Fight Club" without the introduction about insomnia? Just a story about chaos
What would be "Memento" if you were never told about Lenny's wife? Just a serie of messy tattoos, notes and polaroid picture
What if Derek Vinyard never explained what brought him to his self-destruction and his penitence? "American History X" would be just a panflet
If the Klingenfeldt did'nt have a secret from the past kept for too long, wouldn't "Festen" be just a Birthday party home movie?
Tool begins "Lateralus", one of his most revealing lyrics, with the sentence "Black then white are, all I see in my infancy" to be able to move forward until we reach the point when he explains us his "will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line".
Glen being Glenda and viceversa leads us to realize about how complex life can be, despite the simplicity of Ed Wood's piece of art.
The most distutbing moment of Albee's Who's afraid of Virginia Wolf is when pain comes to surface, a pain from the past, as well.
I talk too much about cinema, literature and music because some of my best memories are related to them, as well as my best moments in present are linked to a whisper in my ear while I'm writing, oscula in the darkness of a cinema, listening to music in a club, in my bed, in a room or just as she sings for her soul, as when we remember how to breathe, speak and sing the way we were born to, we can only rediscover how to use our own voices.
I don't talk about my past, whereas I talk abour how my past built a path to my today as my today is a bunch of yellow bricks to my tomorrow. And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.