Would you mind wasting two seconds of your busy life, you who buy and buy time to be busier, not to sit and enjoy the crash of our civilization, you who believe that culture can be bought and kept in golden cages, you who download movies as movies are for you a mere entretainment, nothing far from a talk show, you who say love music because you have the dial of your car hi-fi in a music station or aren't bothered by listening to music in the darkness of a club while hunting but complain that CDs are too expensive and would never attend a show, you who guess that nothing is wrong with your children just because they have all the material trivialities others lack, but are deaf to a cry for attention until it would be too late. Would you mind wasting a day?
Dial a wrong number, apologise for not knowing what to say because you have never met before, dare to ask if their life is fullfiling just to look at the screen of your cell phone and realize that you have just called home.
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