It can make us blank
It can mold us just like clay,
Hold us to the brink,
turn us from the gray.
with her smile and giggle.
she squabbles often
with nothing even remotely real.
We look at the sun till we get blind
searching for some answers we won't find
embracing the darkness to feel safe
hidding our existance from those betrayed
Cracking smiles facing the truth
too many questions in a melting brain
ancient ideas that remain the same
eyes, I lay as I lie, one must sometimes tell a lie
Lost in the shades of gray there’s no black or white
lighting the candless for an endless mourn
our decisions staind our fate
you must not want to see everything
I am a contradition, in its true state.
the ultimate delusion,
You can change my fate
Float it makes me float.
You call me up through fire
out above the clouds
The voice of desire
Sweet on my tongue,
apt seasoning for
all of my moods.
Only you could quench
that peculiar desire,
My last burning cigarette
I walk into the loud lit room
My head feels everywhere
And people run around the fumes
You would be
an essential element
of my daily diet.
And should I ever overdose?
then I would still stand,
heart racing,
eyes bright,
Eventually, like a bulb
burned too bright, I'd go dark
només puc dir que.... M'ENCANTA. La he llegit amb musiqueta i tot. No deixis mai d'escriure, munic... ^^